




スタジオジブリの次回作として、「火垂るの墓」「平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ」の高畑勲監督が「竹取物語」を題材とした鳥獣戯画タッチの長編アニメを現在製作中であることが分かった。アジア映画専門ニュースサイトAsian Movie Pulseなどが報じたもので、2010年公開の見込み。

で、記事中にあるソースのAsian Movie Pulseを見てみると

ReCap: Ghibli film “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter” to be released in 2010
Posted on September 28, 2009 in: Anime, News

@Tiger33 /Admin modification = Originally announced August 2009 by Ghibliworld.com

Isao Takahata, Studio Ghibli co-founder and director (Grave of the Fireflies, Only Yesterday, My Neighbors The Yamadas) has made the very exciting announcement that he will be directing a new feature-length film. Takahata is the “other” half of Studio Ghibli, and one of Japan’s most famous anime directors. With this new film, Takahata will be breaking a 10-year hiatus (his last feature film, My Neighbors the Yamadas, was released in 1999). His new film, Taketori Monogatari (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter), is a movie adaption of the classic 10th century folktale (also popularly known as Kaguya Hime no Monogatari (The Tale of Princess Kaguya)).


12th of August, NEW WORK BY GHIBLI DIRECTOR TAKAHATA ISAO IN THE MAKING: With Miyazaki's latest film Ponyo being only two days away from a relatively wide release in the US, news on a new feature by Studio Ghibli's other animation master, director Takahata Isao, is brought.

Takahata's last film, My Neighbors the Yamadas, was released no less than 10 years ago, but the maestro of animation realism is finally to return with a new full length animated feature. Last Friday, one day after being awarded with an Honorific Leopard by his friend and director Michel Ocelot and while giving his public speech at Locarno International Film Festival, Takahata mentioned the film he is working on is based on the 10th century Japanese folktale Taketori Monogatari (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter).

どうやら、スイスのロカルノ国際映画祭(Locarno International Film Festival)にて新作を制作していると語ったみたい。公式の発言みたいだから「ホラ」「ビッグマウス」の類では無さそう。Ghibliworld.comに掲載されているカットは、「となりの山田くん」中のカットであるので勘違いするべからず。あと高畑監督と同席していたミシェル・オスロットという人は「キリクと魔女」や「アズールとアスマール」を作った人。
